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Feminist psychologists shocked to learn that men don’t believe science is riddled with sexism

January 12, 2015

So there must be something wrong with men!

“Scientific” evidence of sexism in science

The study, published in the Psychology of Women Quarterly, examined the hellhole that is the comments sections of articles reporting on experimental evidence of gender bias in STEM. It found that — surprise! — (some) men on the internet will go to great lengths to excuse or justify sexism, even when they’re looking right at the scientific data. More specifically, the study noted:

9.5% of the comments argued that sexism does not exist; 68% of these were from men.

67.4% of the comments agreed that gender bias exists; 29% of these were from men.

22% of all of the comments justified the existence of gender bias; between 79% and 88% of these were from men.

Of the comments justifying gender bias, 59.8% did so using biological explanations, 29.6% used non-biological explanations, and 10.6% justified it stating that women perpetrate it by discriminating against other women.

7.6% of the comments argued that sexism targets men more than women; 65% of these commenters were men.

100% of the comments expressing gratitude for the study were made by women.

11.2% of the comments expressed a call for social change; 46% of these were made by men.

Or maybe the study shows that men are better than women at picking up the fact that the “experimental evidence” supposedly supporting all that “sexism” among scientists is so much hoo-hah.

Posted by Charlotte Allen

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One Comment
  1. Lastango permalink

    “Of the comments justifying gender bias, 59.8% did so using biological explanations, 29.6% used non-biological explanations, and 10.6% justified it stating that women perpetrate it by discriminating against other women.”

    That’s a nice bit of sleight-of-hand — allege gender bias, and then frame dissent in terms of gender bias. It’s a wonder dissenting commenters weren’t also discovered to be racists.

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