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One way to get that blue wave rolling: CNN feminist commentator tells women to go on a sex strike to get their husbands to vote Democratic

November 5, 2018
Image result for lysistrata image

Ladies, here’s an idea for securing that “blue wave” tomorrow: Don’t have sex with your husband unless he agrees to vote Democratic.

“What If women went on a sex strike before the midterms?” asks feminist cultural critic Wednesday Martin in an opinion piece for CNN.

It’s time for a revolution. At the polls, and in the bedroom. And in our understanding of who women are, sexually and otherwise. Given the tight interweaving of economic and political power with sexual entitlement, female sexual autonomy has never been more urgent, and women’s sexual pleasure has never been more political. Let’s consider what it might mean to go on a sex strike of sorts — to get what we want, rather than give what we think we owe others.

Martin seems particularly incensed by the current GOP president:

Our current administration has amped up the notion that women are mere extensions of male will and pleasure, there to serve at every turn. What is the rollback of reproductive rights but an assertion that not only female reproduction but female sexuality itself belong to what science writer Natalie Angier calls the “Greater Male Coalition”? What are the President’s insults to Stormy Daniels other than assertions that the woman who enjoys sex or profits from it in any way — emotionally, financially, or physically — is unnatural, immoral, and unattractive?

Ah, Stormy Daniels, feminist hero. Although–isn’t taking your clothes off in front of an audience of 100 percent men the very essence of succumbing to “male will and pleasure” and being “there to serve at every turn”?

Of course, you might ask why, if the Trump administration is so dismissive of women, have so many of them played prominent roles in furthering its goals. Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Betsy DeVos, and Nikki Haley don’t seem to have minded being part of the “Greater Male Coalition” one bit.

Martin has an answer to that one, too:

Some women under the current administration may be fine with this paradigm, but they are fundamentally yoked to male desires and agendas, never to exist outside or without them. This basic and deeply personal form of degradation, in which even women’s desires aren’t our own, both reinforces and reflects a hierarchy where men matter more.

Oh, OK.

What really peeves Martin is the fact that some women actually have sex with their husbands because, you know, they’re their husbands. Martin calls that “service sex,” which she seems to associate with the GOP and its female “degradation.” Apparently wives who are Democrats say, “Not tonight; I have a headache,” and then roll over and go to sleep. So she argues:

In the ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, the character Lysistrata urges women to go on a sex strike to get men on both sides to end the Peloponnesian War. In our case, a sex strike against service sex can be a powerful statement — that female desire, a metric of agency like women’s votes, will be heard.

In other words, if you have enough headaches, you can be a modern-day Lysistrata and get your husband to vote Democratic, too.

This seems like odd logic: Wouldn’t your man be more likely to push the Democratic lever the way you want if you did a Stormy Daniels-style striptease and then jumped into his arms?

But as Martin says:

Women don’t owe men a thing. If anything, the statistics show, we are owed.

So, ladies, time is short–just one night–but if you start working on that headache right now, you might be able to close that 47-42 percent poll gap between Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke.

Update: Thanks, Instapundit!

Posted by Charlotte Allen

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  1. Daniel Kleitman permalink

    women with husbands vote Republican by and large.

  2. Fred permalink

    Is this the Wednesday Martin who is married to Joel Moser? The big hot-shot mega-rich investment manager, who no doubt is sufficiently left-wing that this demand does not apply to her?

    So is she where she is (a left-wing opinionator) because her husband’s money-changing career gave her the time and money to have her voice heard? Did she ever do anything to prove she is worth hearing? So is she just like Hillary, a woman who may have been able to make something of herself, on her own, but there is no evidence she ever did (or could)? Coattails all the way?

    And normal women should listen to her because??

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