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Rotherham has a real rape culture–which is why “rape culture”-obsessed feminists don’t care

September 2, 2014
Rotherham victim Sarah Wilson: Sexually exploited at age 11

As of this writing, Google can find no mention of Rotherham (except for one or two discussion comments) at any of the feminist websites I examined: Feministing, Feministe, Bitch Magazine, Ms. Magazine, Bust, Crunk Feminist Collective, Jezebel, Broadsheet, and The XX Factor.  Progressive news sites including MSNBC, Daily Kos, Think Progress, and Truthout were also completely silent on this topic.

Let’s take Feministing as an example.  Demonstrating the feminist obsession with rape, there are currently five links to articles discussing rape or sexual assault on the front page of this well known feminist blog:  The Police Violence We Aren’t Talking About, 17 Beliefs About Sexual Assault That Are Totally Wrong, UNC-Chapel Hill revamps sexual assault policy, California legislature passes “yes means yes” bill, and Why the anti-rape nail polish doesn’t work in a nutshell.  But no word about 1,400 girls groomed, gang raped, prostituted, and beaten, repeatedly and over many years.  Absolute silence.

Update: Welcome, Instapundit readers!

Posted by Charlotte Allen

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  1. Passerby permalink

    Feministing put in a blurb (Sept 2) about Rotherham in the Daily Cheat Sheet. It’s after the item about 500 years of Female Portraiture which had a youtube link. The entry for Rotherham:

    Horrifying: Between 1997 and 2013, in the English town of Rotherham, “at least 1,400 children, some as young as 11, were groomed for sexual exploitation while the authorities looked the other way.” The hyperlink goes to the NYT story.

    The author, Maya, then goes on to other things, like five female vocalists and such.

    The ‘oh by the way, horrifying, now let’s …’ manner about more rape in less time by more people in a more systematic way than anything they’ve reported in their ‘rape culture’ articles is, frankly, sad.

    • Ciaran permalink

      Yes, Feministing just posted a link to the NYT article, which was very carefully framed to liberal sensibilities.

  2. Tcobb permalink

    If there’s a real “rape culture” something can be done about it. If its fantasy it will always be there to rail against and claim new concessions to do something about it. And if you do something about the real problem it might have the effect of minimalizing the fantasy threat.

    And of course there is the dimension of “oppressed” groups. If you start claiming that another group of the institutionalized oppressed is less than morally pure that might fragment the political clout of the “oppressed groups” as a whole, and you can’t have that.

  3. Ciaran permalink

    Thanks for linking to my post, Charlotte!

  4. ben permalink

    Just a thought…. Maybe since all those people are American, they are going to talk about rape in America?

    • What difference should it make where the rapes occur? Are women, or in this case young girls, less noteworthy because their abuse is happening elsewhere? If feminists actually cared about women, a suggestion that proves false more often than not, then the horrific treatment of women in Muslim cultures would be front and center among feminists.

    • ChurchSox permalink

      Are you kidding? American academics have been talking about little else for years. Whatever else you may think of America, it has never been shy about airing its sins in broad daylight.

  5. Mastro permalink

    Doesn’t serve their agenda- which is either to get tenured positions at universities- or well paid gigs at Fortune 500 companies.

    No money- no motive- which is why rich white guys are always the problem.

    Throw in that feminists are usually to the left of Castro- and you get the white guy tunnel vision thing.

  6. False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

    The 1400 number is a projection. The entire thing is misleading.

    • richard40 permalink

      There is pretty solid proof it is in the hundreds, and I have not really seen any article with any evidence contesting the 1500 estimate.. But if you really want to talk about a totally misleading fantasy number, how about the 20% rape rate on college campuses, pure fantasy, at most 5%, according to actual crime stats.

  7. False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

    I recommend you read the Independent Inquiry about the situation here

    The thing is, while the Inquiry is meant to give the impression that a very real rape crises is at hand in Rotherham, if you read carefully it becomes clear that what much of it is are cases of teen girls willingly dating older guys who they see as tall, dark, handsome and exotic types. They are so besotted with these men that they refuse to co-operate with their parents and the social workers who are doing their level best to convince these budding young women who are undergoing a sexual awakening that they are “abused” and “exploited”.

    The men are largely just trying to assimilate to the sexually permissive British culture where pre-marital sex and teen sex is the norm.

    This is not an attempt to excuse or belittle the actual cases of sexual assault of minors or majors that may be taking place as well. But there are several types of situations going on here and they are all getting labled under the same category of “abuse” to create sensationalism.

    • Lin permalink

      As the report makes clear, the relationships frequently start out as consensual boyfriend/girlfriend. Then, over time, the girl gets introduced to friends and relatives. The pimping and rape occur later.

      • Lea permalink

        Exactly. It’s called grooming. They start with young boys their own age, introduce them to older men, and then by the time it gets serious they are so far in they can’t figure out how to get out. And families get threatened as well, which is a thing that happens in the US too I am told.

    • Wrong permalink

      Then how about they sign their nice exotic daughters up for the program for the native men to “date”? Turnabout fair play, assimilation, & c.

      Adult men having sex with minor girls is rape per se, stupid. There’s nothing false or made up about it.

      • False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

        “Then how about they sign their nice exotic daughters up for the program for the native men to “date”?”

        Well if you read the actual Inquiry and the reports, as well as watch the videos of interviews, like I have, you will come to know that’s going on as well.

        And so is the use and misuse of boys. Its not just all about girls.

        “Adult men having sex with minor girls is rape per se, stupid. There’s nothing false or made up about it.”

        Calm down. Teen girls can and do consent to sex all the time. Its when they consent to sex with a partner who is beyond a certain age that it is legally considered “statutory rape”. If he’s below that age, its just regular ol’ teen shagging and current Anglo cultural sensibilities don’t make a fuss about that.

    • “The men are largely just trying to exploit what they perceive as the sexually permissive and decadent British culture where pre-marital sex and teen sex is the norm.”


      • False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

        Is pre-marital and teen sex not the norm in the UK?

  8. False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

    The link to the official Inquiry

  9. FrancisChalk permalink

    Feminism has never been anything but a tool to break down and destroy Western Culture and civilization. It used supposed concern for “equality”, “women’s rights”, etc. as a means to attract followers. The leaders of the Feminist Movement are only concerned with the advance of Marxism/Socialism, and do to that they must destroy democracy, the traditional family, morale values, Christianity and capitalism. Thus, Feminists don’t give a whit about the girls of Rotherham, and in fact, the Feminists side with the Muslim rapists because the Muslims too are enemies of Western Culture. The old “enemy of my enemy is my friend” idea. If you understand this about Feminism, suddenly everything Feminists do (especially the Feminist leaders–the news outlets and blogs you cite) makes perfect sense; all seeming hypocrisy evaporates.

  10. JFP permalink

    Dear False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers:

    These are pretty serious charges you are making. Before accepting them, how about quoting from the report (and giving the page numbers) so that we can see why you’ve arrived at these conclusions? On the one hand, this looks like a serious problem for feminism, one that they are refusing to confront. On the other hand, I don’t like false rape accusations, so I’m willing to be convinced.

    • False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink


      Just two of many examples given in the aptly Inqury:

      “Child N (2013)
      was 12 when extremely indecent images of her were discovered on the phones of fellow students. There were suspicions that older men and one woman had groomed her via Facebook. Her family were very shocked by photos and video images that had been taken of her, and have co-operated fully with the Police and the support offered by the CSE team. Child N was very angry at the agencies trying to help her. She showed no understanding of the risks of online contact with strangers and was not willing to disclose anything about those who have groomed and exploited her.”


      “Child O (2013)
      was 13 when concerns about sexual exploitation emerged. She was wandering around Rotherham late at night, often in the company of an older girl who was a known victim of sexual exploitation. She was found in Sheffield on one
      occasion. She was often angry and violent towards family members, and they did not seem able to protect her. She was very active on social media sites and had acquired many adult associates whom she perceived to be her friends.”

      Here’s what it all is in a nutshell –

      A lethal combination of a spoonful each of the following deadly spices;

      1. Slacker UK parents who have zero control (and often even less interest) over what their teen daughters do and who they do it with so…. merely consensual boyfriend/girlfriend “statutory rape” cases.

      2. Bonafide pedos stalking pubescent and pre-pubescent kids for rape and trafficking (pedos and traffickers within the UK government, Care System, and police force included of course because without their aid these types of organized crimes cannot exist – see Jimmy Savile.

      3. Sociopaths who target post-pubescent adolescents and young adults for a “good time”. At first they may consent to go to a party with these tall, dark and handsome men but once they get there they are plied with drugs and alcohol and then raped, possibly even gang raped.

      4. Throw in a false accusation or 200 and all of the above makes for a heady cocktail of sensationalism, conspiracy, corruption, and another brick in the wall of the global sex slave trafficking industry, which is a billion dollar industry with some big names and movers and shakers involved.

      I’ve been reading about “asian sex predators” in the UK and “love jihad” in India for several years now. While there IS bonafide exploitation taking place in both countries, much of what falls under these lables is girls and women falling in love with boys and men their families and society do not want them to fall in love with.

      Also note, the Independent Inquiry includes grown adults up to age 25, TWENTY FIVE, under “exploitation of young people”.

      Please read it.

      Please also familiarize yourself with the sexually permissive Anglo culture of Great Britain. Pre-marital sex and teen sex are accepted social norms there.

      Yes there are “statutory rape” laws that cover “age of consent.” and if two people (including the minor) are found guilty of engaging in a CONSENTUAL relationship that nonetheless breaches age of consent, that needs to be dealt with, but lets not pretend its rape.

      We have to separate the what from the chaff.

      • You’re rather blithely dismissing the seriousness of the statutory rape of 12 and 13 year old girls. Yes, the girls are largely underprivileged children of broken homes. Those are precisely the types that predators seek out. I hope you’re not implying that makes it less serious.

        I won’t even address the bits about “sexually permissive Anglo culture of Great Britain”. It’s in the Muslim countries where child brides are accepted.

      • False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

        CarbonDate, ”

        You’re rather blithely dismissing the seriousness of the statutory rape of 12 and 13 year old girls.”

        – Not at all. If you go back over my comment you see I make a distinction between pubescent/pre-pubescent kids and post-pubescent adolescents and young adults.

        “Yes, the girls are largely underprivileged children of broken homes. Those are precisely the types that predators seek out. I hope you’re not implying that makes it less serious.”

        – Of course not.

        “I won’t even address the bits about “sexually permissive Anglo culture of Great Britain”.”

        – Of course you won’t. That’s the big pink elephant in the room that nobody wants to address.

  11. JFP permalink

    Ok, though I would still maintain that feminists are remiss in not getting angry about the situation, since in many other situations, they treat any ambiguity in a sexual situation as abuse. Also, they or other leftists would be mighty angry if it was a gang of white men and Pakistani teenaged women.

    • False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

      There’s lots of videos on Youtube about it. From interviews with government officials to social workers to police to victims to outraged citizen rants to talk shows;

      This one covers several issues;

    • False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

      Please read the Inquiry at least. There are cases like that too. Its not just all white girls and brown men. The reverse is also true, as are other combinations (including boys).

  12. False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

    “Also, they or other leftists would be mighty angry if it was a gang of white men and Pakistani teenaged women”

    That’s happening too. Read the Inquiry.

    And also, some of the girls are getting pregnant out of wedlock and tax payers are paying for their “support” instead of the “baby daddies”.

    I say if by Anglo cultural standards she’s old enough to have a boyfriend, to have sex and to get pregnant, she’s old enough to marry the baby daddy who should be taking FULL financial responsibility for his spawn (which is also a Quranic injunction). If these guys are going to be labled or self-identify as “muslim”, they need to walk the talk.

  13. False Rape Accusations and Made Up Numbers permalink

    “As it happens, feminists have been extremely vocal about Rotherham.

    Let me give you a handy breakdown:

    First off, it was journalist and committed feminist Julie Bindel who broke the story. And for all the conservatives who think that feminists are plotting to bring down the white man, please note that she was bracingly clear about the involvement of Pakistani men.

    Janice Turner, who has written about Rotherham, is The Time’s writer on women’s issues. If you need further proof of her feminist credentials, note that the Centre for Policy Studies blasted her for her extremist feminist views.

    Camila Cavendish, a writer at The Times – where reporter Andrew Norfolk doggedly uncovered the story – wrote accompanying pieces on the topic. Cavendish’s story on women in banking was feminist enough to provoke a rant from the nasty piece of work behind the fightingfeminism blog, which means that any conservative worth his stripe would consider her a mouthpiece for feminism. So she can go on the list.

    For other feminist media reactions, go to The Guardian website, put the word ‘Rotherham’ into the search box, and watch the rage pour out. I can’t be arsed listing all the articles, but start with Suzanne Moore.

    Apart from the media reaction, Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper waded into the fray pretty quickly when Professor Jay’s report was released, calling for changes in law, and also for the resignation of the police commissioner. Cooper’s not just any old feminist – she’s a powerful politician who comes up with the sort of ideas that make conservatives go white and shaky. Look her up.

    Finally, the work of the Muslim Women’s Network UK can’t be overlooked.

    So to all those American conservatives who want talk about Rotherham, can I politely suggest that, first of all, you do some research before you make inflammatory claims.

    And second, if you want to score points off your ideological enemies, don’t do it over the bodies of children.”


    • JFP permalink

      Not persuasive. The issue is where were the feminists, not where are the feminists. Where were they a decade ago? If they had spoken up then, the abuse wouldn’t have dragged on for so long.

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